
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sexy Nerd Loves Fitness, IT and God -- An Interview with Monice Potgieter

1. Tell us something about yourself!

        My name is Monice Potgieter, I am 22 years old and I live in sunny South Africa.
        I am a part time student, in my 3rd year for Bsc Computer Systems (Through Heriot Watt University), so yes I’m kind of a nerd haha.
        I also work full time as an Instructor, I teach at a college called CTI College and the course I present is Information Systems Network Engineering.
        I also am a child of God, I believe Jesus died for my sins on the cross and we need to tell the whole world about His amazing grace :)
        As you can notice my main interests are Fitness, IT, and God.

2. Married?

        I am not married, but I am currently in a relationship with someone.

3. For how long you've been working out and what progress have you made?
        I have been working out hard for 3 years, I have gained a lot of muscle since then, and all I am focusing on now is gaining muscle maturity which will come with time.

4. Which is your favorite exercise?

        This is difficult, there are so many! I think I would have to say dumbbell shoulder presses; I love them because I can go really heavy and get a massive pump out of them!

5. And your favorite meal?

        My favorite meal when dieting will be salmon or tuna sashimi.

6. Which is your actual goal?

        My goal is to beat myself every day, I compete against myself. I want to make it in the fitness industry, but most of all, I want to stay healthy and body-proud.

7. Do guys usually hit on you at the gym?


8. If the answer is "yes", which is the worst pick-up line you ever heard?

        The worst two I have ever heard is, “why don’t you ever smile?” duh because I’m here to gym! And the second one a guy asked me to lift his weight for him because he couldn’t reach it while in the position he was in (there was a ton of other guys around he could’ve asked).

9. How can people get in touch with you?

        You can contact me on My Facebook or email me at: 

10. And finally say a few words to the readers of!
        Don’t give up on your dreams, period. Hard work pays off!

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